3$(4p3 /3Ł0(17Ľ: 73|-| Ł337 p//||493
Perhaps you should rename CTC
@crusader-alpha, on May 9 2007, 09:05 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Perhaps you should rename CTC
I would, but I don't want to lie to the 35 voters who voted on CTC's name.
I remember that. I was one of those voters
@warlord-mike, on May 9 2007, 08:48 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
How about Escape Velocity: Alpha and Omega?
I considered that one too, but I still prefer the one I decided on. It conveys the tension of the upcoming crisis better.
@joshtigerheart, on May 9 2007, 09:57 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
3$(4p3 /3Ł0(17Ľ: 73|-| Ł337 p//||493
I don't even want to know what this is supposed to be. It looks like Josh spilled some soda on his keyboard...and tried to clean it up with a wrecking ball.
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 10 May 2007 - 08:08 PM
It says "Escape Velocity Teh Leet Pwnage".
What? You don't speak leet?
Nah, I knew what it said. I was just bein' stupid. I'm not exactly 'fluent' in leet (it took me a minute to figure out what it said), but I could say 1337 in leet or 7|-|15 or 7|-|47.
I'm not fluent either, I just make fun of it enough I can read and write it fairly well.
Well, it's Monday. And if you've been paying any attention to this post at all over the past week, you ought to know what that means. At the moment, it means no points to anyone. On second thought, albuminouslump can take 2 points. Good job, albuminouslump. Everyone else, thanks for trying. (Udder Destruction....
Well, it's still Monday where I am; about 10:00. Sorry it's so late.
Alright, enough beatin' around the bush. You want to know what the title will be, so here it is, all spoiler'd out in case you don't want to know yet:
And it shall be called
Escape Velocity: The Omega Wars
You have 'til Friday to change my mind. I must warn you: once I decide to do something, I can be very stubborn, so if Friday comes and goes and I say it's going to be this title, it's going to be this title.
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 14 May 2007 - 09:14 PM
Um, I guess I'll take your complete lack of responses as a thumbs-up? :huh:
Edit: I'm sorry; I meant your udder lack of responses!
This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 15 May 2007 - 07:57 PM
@starbridge21, on Apr 9 2007, 12:20 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
So I decided to skip over the converting plug-ins part and continue straight to the plug-in tutorial. I downloaded EVNEW and after glancing at some of its features I think I understand its purpose and use, if not exactly how to use it. Which brings me to problem number 2: There is no tutorial for EVNEW. Yep, that's right, Zacha Pedro has no information on how to use EVNEW. So I'm pretty much on my own at the moment. Help? Please?
I have never used EVNEW, being on a Mac OS X machine, but if it is anything like Mission Computer, it is self explnatory. Just roll your mouse over something and it tells you what it does. Play around, have fun. If you do something wrong, the worst that will happen is that you will either ruin a pilot file or Nova will fail to load.
Or all of your data files will be destroyed. And if it works like other windows stuff, it'll crash you're computer. After saying "Crash, cancel or allow?" and repeating the question every time you click "cancel".
@scienceguy8, on May 17 2007, 04:55 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
I have never used EVNEW, being on a Mac OS X machine, but if it is anything like Mission Computer, it is self explnatory. Just roll your mouse over something and it tells you what it does. Play around, have fun. If you do something wrong, the worst that will happen is that you will either ruin a pilot file or Nova will fail to load.
@crusader-alpha, on May 17 2007, 05:22 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Or all of your data files will be destroyed. And if it works like other windows stuff, it'll crash you're computer. After saying "Crash, cancel or allow?" and repeating the question every time you click "cancel".
Yeah, sorry guys, those posts are really old. I'm adapting all right to EVNEW...for now. Until I get to coordinates and the graphics etc.
@crusader-alpha, on May 17 2007, 03:22 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
Or all of your data files will be destroyed. And if it works like other windows stuff, it'll crash you're computer. After saying "Crash, cancel or allow?" and repeating the question every time you click "cancel".
It'll only do this if you do something absurdly crazy, like have a weapon sub-ammunition itself.
@jacabyte, on May 18 2007, 09:33 AM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:
It'll only do this if you do something absurdly crazy, like have a weapon sub-ammunition itself.
No, that actually works and is supported.
Not always. You could have it with only a single shot and its only submunitions into one copy of itself. But if it submunitions into even two copies endlessly, even for a single shot, eventually bad things will happen if the player hangs out in the system for too long*.
*"Too long" is defined by the life of the weapon before it submunitions. If the weapon has a count of 30000, then a long time is a really-really-long-boring-time. If it has a count of two, the player better get out of the system ASAP.