Well, it's time for me to ask for some beta testers for the Acheron project. While I don't consider it fully complete (there is no organized storyline and some of the sounds and explosion graphics are recycled from EVN), it is certainly fully playable, and complete enough that I personally find it a lot of fun to play, even without a main storyline. The development team for Acheron has been pretty small; mostly it is just two of us (LNSU and I), though there were several developers who helped with the original Darkstar project, and the Acheron landing pictures and most of the planet pictures were donated by Ragashingo and Nick Anderson from Aftermath. Due to the lack of storyline and a few recycled resources, I like to think of Acheron as an "Almost-TC".
Beta testing will not be particularly work intensive, but I would like beta testers who are dedicated nonetheless. As far as I know, there are no bugs, as I have handled most of the bugs myself, but I have only played Acheron on my own computer and have no idea if it will work as well on other systems. I also need spell checking and a double check of all of the little details in the game; basically, beta testers will need to play Acheron and report bugs, mispellings, serious grammatical errors, and other details to me. I prefer developers who have some knowledge of the EVN engine, in case you can help to fix any problems yourself. I also hope to hear opinions on game balance, graphics, and general gameplay.
The best way to contact me is to either post here or send me a PM. Not everyone will get to test unless there are only a few offers. I can only use or even keep track of so many testers, and I'll also need someone to play the actual almost-TC when it's released.
As for my opinions on the fate of the Acheron project: if an experienced developer would like to take over later on and keep going with the project, I have some notes and documents that will be of use to that person, and I am perfectly willing to help contribute to plugs for the TC, but I do not want to be a lead organizer or coder any longer. Also, this version of the TC will be released as it is (once the kinks are ironed out), even if someone would like to continue with it, because continuing work on the project without any sort of release sounds to me like a recipe for high risk of vaporware.
Some stats on the Acheron project:
24 systems
39 spobs
12 ships
30 outfits
14 weapons
7 governments
And a whole lot of descriptions and graphics work to go with those.
So. If you're interested in beta testing, post here or contact my via the PM system.