I hope you enjoy being one hundred years old!
Happy Birthday, David Arthur!
14 16 662
Thanks for all you've done, David. You're one of the most important people to the continuing vitality of EV!
Yay for DA! Long live Mission Computer!
Happity Happity Happity Happity Birthy-day!
Note: If you are a frog, please have a hoppity birthday instead.
Thank you, David Arthur, for everything you've contributed to Escape Velocity and the plug-in community. My hat is off to you, sir.
Happy Birthday!
Im a windows user... no MC for me... I still appreciate your insights into the game engine...
Happy Birthday.
How old are you?Hope you like strawberries.
Yet more proof that the forum software has an interesting sense of humour — but thanks, everyone.
Hope I'm not too late, if it is, in fact, your real birthday...
I love MissionComputer, it's quite possibly the greatest gift one could give to the Mac users who dev for EV! Isn't that kinda a backwards birthday present, though?
This post has been edited by Dash_Merc : 04 January 2008 - 01:45 AM