I've been doing some work recently (###### revision :)), and have decided to take the route of a phpBB based guide. This I have organised into the following layout:
The NTG forum consists of four sub-forums, one for each area of space with in the novaverse (Federation, Aurora, Polaris, Pirate). In each sub-forum I will post up the routes, just like they are on the website in post form. These different topics will be open for discussion on that particular route, but users aren't allowed to post new topics in these sub-fora.
Each sub-forum will have the logo of it's bearers (fedeartion standard, auroran standard, polaris standard and a pirate carrier for the pirate section) - which will make navigation easier. There is also be a 'Requests and NTG discussion' sub-forum, where people can submit trade routes of their own and request it be put up in the official guide sub-forums (again, users are not be able to post new topics in these forums, but are be able to reply to them).
You can access NTG here. It's in the 'projects' section.
And here's an example route.
I'll be updating the guide with a route a day from now on hopefully, until I exhaust my collection of routes so far, and then it's up to you, the community to post your own routes in the 'Requests' forum