Here's another version. Doesn't appear to include bit 17 from the one above but details some of the others a bit more.
Here's a brief summary of Contribute-Require Flag bit (CRF) usage in the default Nova scenario.
The overview is that CRF-0 uses 0x000003FF and CRF-1 uses 0xC0000071
The breakout is:
CRF-0 0x00000001is set by Heavy Weapons License and tested for by Federation heavy weapons outfits
CRF-0 0x00000002 is set by Missile Weapons License and tested for by Federation missile weapon outfits
CRF-0 0x00000004 is set by Fighter Bay License and tested for by Federation fighter bay and fighter outfits
CRF-0 0x00000008 is set by Protective Technologies License and tested for by Federation shield and armor outfits
CRF-0 0x00000010 is set by several licenses and ranks but never tested by anything
CRF-0 0x00000020 is set by several licenses and ranks but never tested by anything
CRF-0 0x00000040 is set by Capital Ships License and tested for by Federation capital ships
CRF-0 0x00000080 is set by Capital Warships License and tested for by Federation capital warships
CRF-0 0x00000100 is set by Exotics Licenses(3), Federation Ambassador rank, and Director of BII rank and tested by two weapon outfits
(note1: the Exotics Licenses(3), Federation Ambassador rank, and Director of BII rank set the 9 bits CRF-0 0x000001FF)
(note2: the Federation Commander rank sets the 6 bits CRF-0 0x0000007B)
CRF-0 0x00000200 is set by several weapon outfits but never tested by anything
CRF-1 0x00000001 is set by all all physical (i.e. non-telekinetic) ships and tested by virtually all physical outfits
CRF-1 0x00000010 is set by all Leviathan ships and tested by Sigma bulk cargo missions
CRF-1 0x00000020 is set by all Pegasus ships and tested by Sigma bulk cargo missions
CRF-1 0x00000040 is set by all StarLiner ships and tested by Sigma charter flight missions
CRF-1 0x40000000 is set by a subset of civilian Valkyrie ships and tested by Valkyrie ship upgrade outfits
CRF-1 0x80000000 is set by a subset of civilian Starbridge ships and tested by Starbridge ship upgrade outfits