I made that using GIMP and playing around with Script-Fu on my basic lines. I can do a smaller recolored version of this for you if you want.
Nah. I want to try doing it myself first. If I fail miserably, then I will ask for help.
By the way, is it just a simple picture, or is it animated like the rest of the Nova explosions?
This post has been edited by scienceguy8 : 22 May 2007 - 04:51 PM
It is an animation. You need to make the different frames, stitch them together with SpinApp (or whatever you use) and them import them as rleD and then make a boom resource with it. Or did you know that already?
Hey Kaoz, are there Antimatter Laser Cannons/Turrets as well, like I suggested?
Just wondering. If not, that's cool, the Antimatter Missile will be plenty (though I'll have to make sure I don't kill myself in the process of using it :laugh: ), but if so, can you give us an idea of their range and damage?
I can give you an idea of their damage. Big. Range I dunno about.
Hey Kaoz, are there Antimatter Laser Cannons/Turrets as well, like I suggested?
Dang, I guess I need to tighten up on security and make sure no more secrets are leaked. Yes, there will be antimatter cannons and turrets (and one more antimatter thing that I am working on now which I won't let you know about). Range will be somewhat long, because these will be dangerous.
Good to know, sir. With antimatter being the most powerful force in existence, it would make sense the things have quite the punch.
Ah! One last thing that's crossed my mind:
Is there a special station that we'll be able to purchase all the equipment from? Or will some require certain storylines to be in?
All the now outfits are currently available in Kerrelia (spelling?). I plan on moving them to a special system (The Galactica Arms Conglomerate, made up of Pyrogenesis, GLiMMER, Rauther, and a new company owned by me) a short jump away from Sol.
@warlord-mike, on May 23 2007, 03:23 PM, said in Nearly ready for beta!:
With antimatter being the most powerful force in existence
I think you mean love, man.
Can you blow up an entire planet with love? Only if you have an antimatter missile.
@--kaoz--, on May 23 2007, 05:09 PM, said in Nearly ready for beta!:
Can you blow up an entire planet with love? Only if you have an antimatter missile.
You obviously have not met the Cupid's older brother.
An antimatter missile can carry both a mass of antimatter and its twin mass of real matter (could well be the missile case itself) to set off a vicious blast of gamma rays with energy E = mc2.
An antimatter cannon, to accomplish the same, would need to have twin cannons, one firing matter and the other antimatter. The shots could easily be focused to converge at arbitrary range.
However, if a cannon just fires antimatter, then it would deal almost no damage to shields but if it got in contact with the ship's hull...HOO BABY! Look out!
Unencased antimatter should "decay" in damage as it flies due to contact with interstellar hydrogen (appro. 1 atom/cm3.)
So the missile would be great against shields but less so against armor, while the cannon would be impotent against shields and phenomenal against armor. I suppose you could make the missile case wicked high-tech and smart enough to recognize whether it's facing armor or shields, and if it senses no shields then it can open up and let the bare antimatter slug hit the hull. Then it'll be lethal on armor as well.
Actually, the damage is done when the matter of the antimatter's containment system is consumed and massive amounts of energy are released. This way, huge amounts of damage are done to both shields and armor. The missile is actualy more effective against shields and the cannons are more effective against armor, but the damage is on such a large scale that it doesn't really matter. As for the way the cannon rounds are built: They consist of an armor piercing tip, a small containment field, and a small bit of antimatter. There is a small sensor in the tip that can detect when it has hit shields or armor. This sensor deactivates the containment systems, allowing the antimatter to consume its delivery package. This releases the deadly burst of energy. Here's a pic of a few of the new weapons (not all, though. I already posted the antimatter missile pic, and several of the weapons need to be worked on. More to come soon.):
My opinions:
Coilguns: Nice. Are they any more powerful than the Railguns?
AM Cannon/Turrets: Bloody Awesome. Now the Feds have more than just the Aurorans to worry about... Evil Grin
Recoil Cannon: ??? What the crap? Not sure about this guy...
Hammer of Dusk: Truth be told, this has to be the sweetest-looking of the bunch. Looks like you're opening a rift in the Space-Time Continuum...or something.
Flak Cannon: Eh...so-so. Not sure I'll use it, but it looks alright.
Electric Hull: Not bad. I'll probably give it a try.
Pirhana: I've seen better.
Ion Missile: Interesting...
Reaper: I can't tell what that is I'm looking at...just looks like a big shadow... -_-;Great work so far, Kaoz. Keep it up!
Aww, but I LIKE the Piranha. It splits into 10 little missiles. My whining aside, thank you for the feedback. What would you recommend I do to improve Recoil, Flak, and Piranha (or should I scrap them)? Yes, Coilgun is MUCH more powerful than the Railgun, although it fires significantly slower, and in bursts.
@--kaoz--, on May 24 2007, 07:29 PM, said in Nearly ready for beta!:
Aww, but I LIKE the Piranha. It splits into 10 little missiles. My whining aside, thank you for the feedback. What would you recommend I do to improve Recoil, Flak, and Piranha (or should I scrap them)?
Ah, so that's what it does. I thought it was just like a Hellhound on Steroids (it uses its cameo). Essentially it's a Multi-torp for the masses. Cool. Nothin' needs to be done, then.
Recoil: it'd be nice to know what it does, exactly...it just looks like any other laser cannon out there, otherwise...
Flak: The explosions look a bit...out of place. That's the sort of thing you'd see if someone detonated a High-Explosive bomb on the ground. Flak in real life looks like little black plumes of smoke when they explode, but, obviously, against a space background, that isn't going to show up real well. I don't know of a good substitute, though. DON'T scrap anything, though.
Yes, Coilgun is MUCH more powerful than the Railgun, although it fires significantly slower, and in bursts.
So, is it like a salvo-fired weapon (i.e., if you fire like, four, they all fire at once)?
Thanks for advice. As for the coilgun: if you don't know what a coilgun is, it is an electromagnetic projectile accelerator just like railguns and gauss rifles. A coilgun sends a huge pulse of current through a solenoid, creating an extreemely strong electromegnetic field inside the coil. A projectile is pulled into the magnetic field at a very high speed. Normally it would just get caught in the field, but due to the fact that it is there only for the duration of the pulse, the projectile is only pulled once. The capacitor used to create the pulse needs to be charged before each shot if the coilgun will be fired with any kind of force, so the firing time is relatively slow. However, it is possible to stack several projectiles in the gun at once. These are able to fire like Railguns, only in bursts.
Edit: Oh yeah about the Recoil Cannon: It does minor damage and has a high impact, knocking the target away. Not sure how useful it will be, but I thought it might be an interesting idea.This post has been edited by .:KaoZ:. : 24 May 2007 - 10:01 PM
I think the electric hull should be invisible, but ionize everything it touches, including yourself. Or, if possible, a turret that hit the nearest object...
New weapon added today: Slayer Laser Cannon/Turret: fires very fast, short range laser shots that split into smaller and smaller lasers until there is a huge spread of tiny lasers that deal 1 point of damage to shields and armor.
@crusader-alpha, on May 23 2007, 05:53 PM, said in Nearly ready for beta!:
I think you mean love, man.
So right man... sooooooooo right... :laugh: