Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • No Defense Nelly, where'd the fleet go?

      defense fleet is no-where to be found...

      Hey everyone... or anyone who cares enough to look here, I've made my own plug (Windows) using EVNEW and I cant get something to work. The main concern today though is a defense fleet. I've made my own planet in a new system, and I have the dude that I want to use for the planet's defenses. Its all put in, and I have the Id's labled correctly. I still click to threaten the planet, but there's no fleet, and I automatically capture the planet. Can anyone point anything out from what I've given you here? I can post more info as needed if it would help get an answer.

    • My memory is that defence fleets only take effect if the planet was present when your pilot file was created; if you create a new pilot file after installing your plug-in, the defence fleet should work.

    • Or you can simply catch and release to regenerate the fleet for an existing pilot.

    • I'm testing that theory on a new pilot, once i get the rating high enough to threaten them successfully, i'll see if thats the case.

    • Yes, that happened to be the case. Thanks for the insight, spared me a few more days of agony. :laugh: