any suggestions?
Hello all,
I have a problem making a mission work and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas how to fix it.
This is a mission offered by a përs. The situation is: the character is being taken through Fed space by another ship. Mid journey, the ship is waylaid by pirates and when the captain of the ship is hurt, the player is forced, under fire, to pilot it to safety at the nearest inhabited stellar: Altia.
So once the player accepts the mission he's transfered to Altair: n135
Put in charge of the ship: h802
And the ship name is changed to match the name of the përs: t532
The pirates are called up by a silent mission which has already been running since the end of the last mission.
The problem is the pirates wont show up. The player is transfered to Altair but finds the system dead empty. Sometimes a ship or two jumps in, but usually there's nothing. If I land on Alt, the uninhabited spob in the system, and blast off again, the ships show up.
I guess the program doesn't fully create the destination system until the player absquatulates from a stellar, to use the word from the EVN Bible, or jumps in.
I've also tried making this ships appear as 100% likelihood përss, which encounters the same problem.
Anyone have any ideas for work-arounds?
I've isolated the mission in a plug, but the upload feature isn't working for me right now so I'll have to do that later.
This post has been edited by Bubbles : 22 February 2007 - 12:35 PM