Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Man with the Broken Gun

      Broken plugin

      So you know, I'm using EVNEW. My plugin isn't broken persay, but I can't figure out how to get a gun to work. I shoots out a bunch of medium blasters and is supposed to look like a stream of plasma. But it won't hit ships! Asteroids, yes. But not ships, not even when I target them. I started developing not too long ago, so it might be some dumb mistake. It probably is. Help! 😞

      This post has been edited by destroyerminkey : 15 November 2006 - 11:19 PM

    • Welcome to the boards, destroyerminkey. We hope you produce some amazing plugins that will astound us all :). In order to this, be sure to read the Member-Run FAQ and Important Links topics pinned to the top of the Dev board here. In particular, check out Zacha Pedro's Plugin Guide (select Show All from the bottom of the forum).

      As to your problem, is the guidance type set to homing? Homing weapons won't hit ships other than the target. Or do you have any ranks that might be preventing you from hurting ships of a particular govt?

      This post has been edited by Guy : 16 November 2006 - 12:07 AM

    • Or is it set to be a planetary weapon?

    • No go. Its not a planet-type, its an unguided prrojectile, and I can kill the same ships with different guns. I think I might try just copying the Medium Blaster from the original EVN files and changing damage, speed and reload, things like that. Let's see if it works!

      Edit: I found the problem. I had set the Proximity Delay to 60, thinking it would make the shot explode at the end of its lifespan. :rolleyes: I'm off to melt Dragons.

      This post has been edited by destroyerminkey : 16 November 2006 - 08:02 PM

    • @destroyerminkey, on Nov 16 2006, 07:37 PM, said in The Man with the Broken Gun:

      Edit: I found the problem. I had set the Proximity Delay to 60, thinking it would make the shot explode at the end of its lifespan. :rolleyes: I'm off to melt Dragons.

      LOL, that will explain it. But interesting enough, somehow, I don't know exactly, but just somehow it might be useful in some sort of ways, I can't think of any reason why someone would want a weapon like that, but it's very interesting enough that developers will want a weapon for a unique situation. Melee attack of somekind is the closest I can think of.

    • @coraxus, on Nov 20 2006, 10:09 AM, said in The Man with the Broken Gun:

      Melee attack of somekind is the closest I can think of.

      Now to make a automated punching machine thats mounted on the front of your ship. 😛

      walks off and starts taking pictures of his fist

    • Yes... that is mighty question you have posed, Coraxus. tries to ponder, but his brain melts
      I have a question about lightning weapons. Is there any way at all to make one that doesn't kill your processor with a vengeance? I had a cool one all set up, where it was all purple and pink and it was like a big, twisting torrent of death. But the only thing I managed to kill was the framerate.

      This post has been edited by destroyerminkey : 23 November 2006 - 07:49 PM

    • Lightning weapons are harsh on processor. Try lowering graphics settings. I think pressing "G" shows framerate.

    • During some experiments with the Winter Tempest I found the optimal LiDensity seems to be between 8 and 18. Higher or lower than that and the frame rate starts dropping pretty quick. Also, don't use decay.

    • @lnsu, on Nov 23 2006, 06:47 PM, said in The Man with the Broken Gun:

      Lightning weapons are harsh on processor. Try lowering graphics settings. I think pressing "G" shows framerate.

      F12. You where pretty close, though. 😛

    • aiiinght. Wrong answer. I have a Mac. Don't tell me G shows the framerate.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 24 November 2006 - 11:18 AM

    • @guy, on Nov 23 2006, 05:56 PM, said in The Man with the Broken Gun:

      During some experiments with the Winter Tempest I found the optimal LiDensity seems to be between 8 and 18. Higher or lower than that and the frame rate starts dropping pretty quick. Also, don't use decay.

      Thanks, Guy. FIY, I'm using a PC, because EVNEW is just so easy to use, and I don't want to clutter up my Mac.