Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • EVNEW question.


      So I have a Windows essence I'm sort of stuck using EVNEW. So my question is simple, where the hell are the landing picts for EVN in there? I can't seem to find any of them. I mean I"m working on this plug and I just can't seem to find where they go. Thanks in advance.

    • PICT resources 10000-11084;12002-12027 in Nova Titles 1 through 4. The last place you'd look for them, no? And in case you're wondering, you don't have to copy and paste the landing picts into your plug-in, just refer to them in the spob resource. It takes up less space that way.

    • Ya, no kidding thanks a bunch.

      While I'm on the you guys know what program was used to make those landing pics. I was planning on using terragen for most of mine, but that involves lots of far away shots and not many trees, buildings, and general signs of inhabitance...any ideas?

    • I think most pics were made in Photoshop. You'll have to ask Pipeline for a definitive answer.

    • A combination of Lightwave and after production with Photoshop if memory serves correctly.

      This post has been edited by JacaByte : 12 November 2006 - 01:28 PM

    • I have bryce 5 but I have no idea how to use it. Does anyone know where I could get some tutorials for it?

    • Well of course...but I was wondering more if anyone had used any tutorials and found them helpful. I'm sure I can search and find a random tutorial that might waste hours of my time and do me no good. But I'd rather be more efficient and see if anyone here has any experience with the program.

      Since the answer appears to be no I will go search and waste countless hours on a tutorial that might or might not be helpful.


      This post has been edited by Zed : 14 November 2006 - 03:12 PM

    • Zed, the best tutorial for Bryce is simply to play around at first. Then go look at a tutorial for more advanced things, and if you ever have a question, there are quite a few of us on the boards who know how to use it.

    • @evweb, on Nov 14 2006, 04:17 PM, said in EVNEW question.:

      Zed, the best tutorial for Bryce is simply to play around at first. Then go look at a tutorial for more advanced things, and if you ever have a question, there are quite a few of us on the boards who know how to use it.

      Now there is an answer I can live with...thanks EVWeb.

    • Yep...Bryce is good but hard to use. I believe Polycon TC used Bryce. After a half an hour of just playing around, I was able to make a mountainous island. Hard to make other stuff on it, but I guess the Polycon guys could really use it to great effect.

    • @incogitor, on Nov 16 2006, 09:18 AM, said in EVNEW question.:

      Yep...Bryce is good but hard to use. I believe Polycon TC used Bryce. After a half an hour of just playing around, I was able to make a mountainous island. Hard to make other stuff on it, but I guess the Polycon guys could really use it to great effect.

      I'd disagree that it's hard to use, but then again, it was the first 3D program I ever used, so I guess it would be harder for people who are used to programs like Wings 3D.

    • I'm used to making 2D java ships, and have worked with OpenGl on PC, but the difficult thing about Bryce is it's layout. Then again, I got a free version given out last year, so it may just be that.