Ever get bored of dominating planets? Not having fun blowing up ships with missiles and blasters? Is that Thuderforge starting to get a bit old? Well, here's the solution!
Supuh_Novuh.zip (5.08K)
Number of downloads: 30
Just download this plug, get a good ship, lots of money, and lots of free space. You'll probably need quite a few mass expansions, or maybe have to get rid of all other weapons. Who knows. But the destruction that ensues is well worth it.
This little cheat plug includes:
Two new super weapons, Super Nova v 1 and Super Nova v 2.
Version 1 is a ship disabler, which creates a blast around your ship that disables anything it touches.
---Req: 350 tons of free space, 235mil
Version 2 is just the opposite, a ship destroyer. Anything near you will be destroyed on contact.
---Req: 350 tons of free space, 250mil
The new outfits are sold on Earth, so head there and start some blastin!
This plug was made just for the heck of it in under 20 minutes. I got bored, what can I say...