A Heavy Fusion Missile. When the prox is triggered it explodes, doing large damage in a large radius, it subs into a instantly decaying weap that has a bigger radius, no boom graphic, and only ionizes.
@chronodrago, on Aug 8 2006, 08:43 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
Cool, but is that possible? Would the 10->1 sprite be in the explosion type? Cuase i can't see any other plausible way... :huh:
No, he would use the 'spin sprite continuously' flag, which does exactly what it says. Try setting it for, say, a light blaster, and with a test and a little creative thinking, you should get it.
@orcaloverbri9, on Aug 9 2006, 08:21 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
No, he would use the 'spin sprite continuously' flag, which does exactly what it says. Try setting it for, say, a light blaster, and with a test and a little creative thinking, you should get it.
Oh! So that was what that thing meant. I thought it just made the little graphic spin in circles. So the spin graphic continously uses up frames in the sprite, so what happens when the bomb or missle has to point in a certain direction?
@chronodrago, on Aug 9 2006, 11:30 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
Oh! So that was what that thing meant. I thought it just made the little graphic spin in circles. So the spin graphic continously uses up frames in the sprite, so what happens when the bomb or missle has to point in a certain direction?
It will always cycle through the sprite continuosly. If it is moving in a certain direction, it will act normally except, of course, spinning. A good example of this would be Nanites, or the SAD/SAE modules in EVO.
It would be long ranged (Like a railgun) bur, be gattling, and shoot reely fast. it would be dead accurate. I have 5 100mms, and 1 gun that shoots fast would be better...
Actually my dream weapon would be the Dagger of the Apocalypse. I can't remember all the stats, but it does have a 1/4 chance per hit of annihilating the current dimension. Seems like it would be pretty good for dominating the galaxy ^_^
@gray-shirt-ninja, on Aug 12 2006, 07:10 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
Actually my dream weapon would be the Dagger of the Apocalypse. I can't remember all the stats, but it does have a 1/4 chance per hit of annihilating the current dimension. Seems like it would be pretty good for dominating the galaxy ^_^
Sounds sweet! But I'm not sure how to get a 25% of annihilation in there. And what happens the other 75% of the time? :huh:
@qaanol, on Aug 14 2006, 05:40 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
Escape Velocity was originally made 3D but then somebody used the Dagger of the Apocalypse and the third dimension was lost for all time.
hehe funny lol
My Dream weapon would be a flak gun that uses lasers like a shot of say 50 or aound there all doing about 1 or 2 damage to armor and 1 to sheilds, it would only disable though so you can take ship.
@grolin, on Aug 14 2006, 08:51 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
hehe funny lol
My Dream weapon would be a flak gun that uses lasers like a shot of say 50 or aound there all doing about 1 or 2 damage to armor and 1 to sheilds, it would only disable though so you can take ship.
Hmm, sort of like a light cannon eh? Only you can destroy using a light cannon.
The most interesting weapon hat I ever made was on a planet that hated the player. It would deposit many mines in a circular pattern around the firing planet. (Like looking down on the rings of saturn)
This made for a pretty neat barrier. Given a very small amount of speed in a random direction, they would even drift about offering a challenge to the player trying to squeeze through a gap.
The more dastardly aspect was when the player happened to take off from this planet... it would quickly produce a ring around the player, leaving no escape... "It's a trap!"
Well, you can make a weapon that switches from manual to auto (or into a different weapon) at the "flip of a switch"... but not quite like you envisioned.Basicly, "the switch" is to abort a mission in the active missions box, that swaps the weapon and starts a new mission that can be aborted to swap it back.
Additionaly, you'll have to do some trickyness at one point in the mission string using a self-destructing dude, otherwise there will be no way to get rid of the swaping missions when you sell the weapon. Unless Fxxx works properly now, (I've been out of the loop) but it never has before.
@desprez, on Aug 15 2006, 02:11 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
The most interesting weapon hat I ever made was on a planet that hated the player. It would deposit many mines in a circular pattern around the firing planet. (Like looking down on the rings of saturn)
This made for a pretty neat barrier. Given a very small amount of speed in a random direction, they would even drift about offering a challenge to the player trying to squeeze through a gap.
The more dastardly aspect was when the player happened to take off from this planet... it would quickly produce a ring around the player, leaving no escape... "It's a trap!"
Now there's an idea worth stealing!
I can think of some clever variations.... sigh I don't expect I'll find time to put this into my creations anytime soon, so I look forward to seeing it in others' plugs.
@crashe, on Aug 15 2006, 07:57 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
My ideal weapon is a Ship-Disabling, turreted tractor beam, great for plundering.
Idealy realistic or dream?
Idealy realistic or dream?
Don't know which of the two you were implying, 'cause there are two ways to take it. You could 1) mean that you want dream weapons only (not possible in EV:N) or 2) you think this is a dream weapon. In case (2), it is entirely possible.. Just set the Impact on your weap resource to a negative number, and it will pull the ship in towards you. Set the weapon type to a beam, obviously. Also set the option "Can disable but not destroy", and there you have it!
But, I hope you already knew that and I just interpreted that wrong.
This post has been edited by Crashe : 15 August 2006 - 10:43 PM
I was asking if that was your ideal weapon or your dream weapon... If you noticed my dream weapon, mine was a supernova that had a graphic that took up the whole dang screen.
A graphic that big would probably crash Nova or take forever to load, and would therefore be dream. My ideal weapon on the other hand, is just like the h_bomb plugin except i created my own with its own graphic, explosion and sound(i think i did sound).
@dr--trowel, on Aug 16 2006, 01:07 AM, said in Weapon Ideas:
Now there's an idea worth stealing!
I can think of some clever variations.... sigh I don't expect I'll find time to put this into my creations anytime soon, so I look forward to seeing it in others' plugs.
I think I made a post and demo plug about this awhile back, let me look for it....
Ok, here it is. System Mines
The begining part was different ways to mine a spob or system. At the end I came up with the ring of asteroid mines. I don't remember if I updated the plug to reflect the tests with the ring of asteroids. I don't have time to check now, but if you think it's worthwhile I can update it and re-post the plug.
@qaanol, on Aug 14 2006, 01:40 PM, said in Weapon Ideas:
Escape Velocity was originally made 3D but then somebody used the Dagger of the Apocalypse and the third dimension was lost for all time.
Eh-hehehe yeah. Nice one. Another Q-point for you!