A friend and I have been working on an EV Classic plug based off of an Internet Game. In said plug, a ship seems to be firing it's weapons in a specific order.
The New Confed Frigate is armed with one Proton Turret, One Missile Rack, Eight Missiles, Six Salvo Missile Racks, and Six Salvo Missiles. Salvo Missiles have a short range(a count of 60 ticks), a high speed(1000), and a Smart Homing Weapon guidence. For some reason it will never fire it's Salvo Missiles until it's standard ones have run dry. I considered giving the Salvo Missiles the Dumb Homing Weapon guidence rather than Smart, but most ships in this plug have a (comparably)high turning rate(120° per second or better), meaning that the AI will not fire Dumb Homing Weapons at them(Hey, maybe that was delt with in the EV AI Upgrade?).
Does anyone know a way I might make this Frigate mix up it's firing pattern a little more? Most of the time they die before getting a chance to fire any Salvo Missiles.
Thanks in advance.
(Edit)I'm using ResEdit and OS9 to make this plug. The 60 Ticks translate into two seconds, and the speed, well, I don't know what that translates into. I just know it's fast.(/Edit)
This post has been edited by U.E. Admiral : 19 May 2006 - 08:46 PM