Okay, I'll stick with .bin.zip for Mac OS, and .zip for Windows. Here's the situation: I made a plug-in, Full Screen Map, which must necessarily have different Mac and Win versions. Not just different formats, but actual differences between the plug-ins. The Mac version has a base plug-in and twelve accessory plug-ins, only one of the twelve to be used at a time. The Windows version has but single file which contains both the base and the only accessory file needed. The installation instructions are different, and they have different readmes. For all purposes, they are different plug-insยexcept that they do the same thing. So I'm going with separate uploads. Full Screen Map for Mac OS is one, and Full Screen Map for Windows the other.
Well, I think they do the same thing. I don't actually know if the Windows version works. May I have a volunteer to test it? All you have to do is load WinNova with my plug-in, enter a ship, view the map, and tell me if it works. If the map fills the screen, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't.