No, it's not dead.
You may or may not remember this, but a while back I posted a thread about a plug-in I was working on called Dogfighter Elite, which was basically a plug based aroung dogfighting in fighters. I ran into a bug in development, oh, about a month or two ago maybe, and I went looking for help on the message boards. The bug involved the game crashing when you took off from a planet on which you had visited an outfitter. No one could figure out what was wrong, so the project died. A few weeks ago, I was standing in the shower thinking about how cool it would've been had the bug been fixed and I could actually finish the project, when it hit me. I knew how to fix the bug. So, I fired up Mission Computer, did a little bit of adjustments (okay, maybe a lot of adjustments), fired up the game to test in out, and whammo! It worked. So now I'm all excited. You can see a little list of what the plug will entail at my tripod site thing, here.