My first plugin I think was the original Big Map for EVO. Modifying dialogs seemed somewhat easier than trying to understand the bible :rolleyes:
My first plug broke my copy of EVC.
I think my first working one some guy in a bar would offer 1 mil to land on a randomly chosen planet for no reason. Back then it was easier to make missions than it was to make a weapon.
You are simply thinking of one way for black hole's to form, when a star collapses on itself. But there is another way to create a black hole. You can simply compress a solid mass past its Schwarzschild radius. That is if you crush something enough it will turn into a black hole. It's thought that there are some black holes like this floating around from the Big Bang, when there were pressures enough to do that. but it would actually be easier to make a small black hole and you would get a better energy return because a black hole that weighed as much as the sun would only give of a few miliwatts of energy, while a smaller black hole that weighed as much as a larger asteroid would emit 4 terawatts of energy due to evaporation. and spinning it would be difficult but you would get a great energy return because you could also manufacture anti-matter by shooting a stream of particles just outside of their Point-of-No-Return and the " gravitational rip tide" (as I call it) will change the spin of the particles which changes them into Anti-matter, so you would get an even better energy return.
Ok, that convinced me
As fror my idea to balance it, I think it makes sense and it is pretty easy to do. The problem is to actually get both the pulling effect and the damage working together but at different ranges. That's a lot harder. It might be easy to do by switching to few pre-set weapon resources but going in a loop with submunitions that are not the same, if my memory is correct, freezes Nova, which is bad. Example, you have weapon 1 which has a large blast radius and negative impact but does damage which releases weapon 2 when it goes off. Weapon 2 deals damage within a certain radius and also pulls much more but the radius is smaller than weapon 1. Weapon 2 releases weapon 3 when it goes off which pulls greatly and deals massive damage but, again, at a shorter range and then it calls back weapon 1. This would happen 10 times per second so a player wouldn't really notice. It would be the best solution but I think Nova doesn't like that idea. It might be because nova doesn't consider a loop in the submunitions to be recursive submunitions like it would when you have a projectile sub itself a definite number of times. And thus, it creates an endless loop, and there you have it: your computer crashes.
And then trying to make a long streak of similar weapon resources to maintain the effect could use up 2 or 3 weapon ressource per frame. The numbers add up quickly, if you were to do it this way it would mean for every second you'd use at least 60 weapon ressource. And the max I think there is is 512... so for a few seconds effect of blackholes you have about 10 weapons left for every other weapons in the game. GASP!