my first "real" plug-in
Do your escorts tend to kill those ships you wanted to board before you could board them?
I'm making a plug-in which will allow you to hire disable-only variants of many escorts. This adds up to every non-fighter weapon having a disable only counterpart, and several low end ship variants that come with these disable only weapons. I may or may not add a system where you have to go to hire these ships. So in a nutshell:
You'll only be able to hire disable only counterparts of ships like the PVII or the Fed Destroyer destroyer class. I may come out with a fully developed plug where you could hire disable only counterparts of higher end ship variants like the PVIV or the Fed Destroyer heavy missile class.
You won't see these guys flying around (if I am able to do this correctly), so you will be forced to pay the price of hiring. You could of coure hire them, release them, disable them, and recapture them.
These escorts will have the same availability bits as their counterparts. You won't be able to hire a disable only abomination after the rebel string.
I'm already nearing completion, it won't be too long before I am done.