I've tried to stay out of this one, and since I totally agree with Hudson on every point he's made I'd decided not to waste bandwidth. But I would like to interject from an experienced point of view that the more you talk about your TC, how cool it is, how boffo your random initials are, work on your website and skin your forum, drop images in the gallery without thought or examination of the standards (that go WAY back) the more you set yourself up for chagrin and disdain when you just kind of stop working on it or break up with your team. Either of these two fates seems like a given in this circumstance, Skratskinner.
Not that I am the oh-so-cool guru or even listened to- I have experienced the fate that I discribe. Don't set yourself up. Just work on your plug or don't and keep your mouth shut about how cool it is so noone is dissapointed when you don't deliver- including yourself.