Are the frist few reserved?
Ok, so I decided my TC was desperately in need of some sound, warp jump noises etc. What I would like to know is, are the first few sounds reserved for specific sounds such as with the desc and str/str# resources?
I presume:
"Presumptions" said:
128 must be warp up
129 must be warp up x2
130 must be warp out
150 - 154 (+?) are beeping noises
200 - 299 are weapon noises
300 - 369 are explosions
370 - Red Alert
371 Warning
372 Ejection
373-379 ??????
380-381 Cloaking On/Off
382-389 ??????
390- Airlock
391-599 ????
600-603 - Menu Buttons
600-999 ??????
1000-9999 Government Communications
10000+ Planet Noises
Has anyone got any ideas on the unknowns, or would be kind enough to correct me.