suicide manta's wont work
A while ago I got this great idea for a plug in. Suicide Mantas. All I planned to do is replace the RLE's for raven rockets with the ones for mantas.
Well, today I decided to do it. And after a while (this was my first time dealing with RLE's, or any nova graphics for that matter.) I managed to do it. Now whenever I shot raven rockets they looked like mantas commiting suicide on my enemies.
After that small success, I decided to make it it's own outfit based off of radar missles (meaning that I actually made them a seperate outfit rather than replacing the base outfit with it) rather than on raven rockets. Long story short, I thought I had done everything correctly and put in all of the necessary ID's and all the correct information for my manta launcher. When I ran the plug, I puchased the manta launcher and the mantas. But when I proceded to fire them, I found that for some reason the launcher shows up in my secondary weapons spot, but it says I have no ammunition. Even though the manta-radar missles show up in my extras section.
Could someone please help me find out what I did wrong? Now, I shall attach the plug!
Oh yeah, it's made on a pc so pretty much yeah.
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