So the last couple of days I've been looking around here and around the internet for the answer to this, but could find nothing, so sorry if this is redundant.
I'm trying to put ne planet graphics into a plug-in that I'm making. However, I open up MissionComputer (3.3.1) and it won't allow me to make any rlë8 or rlëD resources. I tried to make them on a friend's PC in EVNEW and it worked just fine, and now appears in MissionComputer as rlë8 and rlëD resources. However, there are still more I need to make, and MissionComputer still isn't latting me make any. The button "New" is greyed out for both of them, as well as Resource > New Resource.
Is this a common problem? Is there any way to make these in MissionComputer?