Are You Awesome?
What: Video of drop bear jumping on someone.
When: Before 2006.
Prize: Qaanol's official seal of awesomeness.
For this activity you must have access to a video camera and a drop bear costume, or the ability to animate. The goal is to produce a Nova plug-in containing a video clip of a drop bear jumping on someone, which plays whenever the player is attacked by a drop bear.
So bust out your pen and paper and scanner, or hone your 3D modelling skills, or use claymation, or take your video camera, mount it on a tripod, find a close friend and/or total stranger, don your marsupial suit, and share the result with the rest of us.
Entries will be judged on my ability to discern that a drop bear is indeed jumping on someone. Finalists will be voted on in a poll to determine the winner. You have 2 months. Begin!
ps. Bonus prize if the video is shot in Australia. Extra bonus if an unsuspecting tourist is jumped on. Ultimate bonus if you eschew the costume and film an actual bear dropping on someone. Free headstone with inscription of your choice if the person it attacks is you. If any animals other than baby seals are hurt in the making of your movie, you get nothing.