I have some Star Wars laser cannon sounds which I got off some site and I tried to put them in-game but it doesn't work! Can someone help me?
How do I make my laser sounds in-game?
3 12 906
Well I cleared my cookies after I visited that site (i set it to clear em every 2 days)
I'll just attach them here, in a zip.SW_laser_sounds.zip (20.56K)
Number of downloads: 53This post has been edited by Harbinger of Doom : 15 December 2005 - 11:16 AM
I'd still like to know how to convert them myself though. I doubt that theres gonna be kind people on the boards to do my whim every 5 minutes.
Just open these up in ResEdit, and you should be set to go.
I converted the .mp3s into .aiff with iTunes, then put them into Sound Studio and saved them as System 7 Sound.
Actually, I was wondering if you could have put them into a plugin for me, then I could copy them from that into my plug. As I'm unable to use Classic (which is required to run ResEdit) sorry to make you go to all this trouble.
This post has been edited by Harbinger of Doom : 15 December 2005 - 02:03 PM
Alright, thanks a million for the help. I appreciate it.
Finished it on the train. The sound resources are in the plugin, you should be able to transfer them via EVONE.
Thank you SO much, this will helpa lot with this new TC I'm working on.