Blender is not a good program to start with...
...who the hell has an "uncanny knack" for thousands of buttons? The fact that such a knack would be uncanny says a lot about the number of people with it, considering that uncanny, by definition, is something uncommon.
Blender roxors! I've used Infini-D and Bryce to do pretty much everything ever since I started working in 3D - I just haven't had time to learn anything else. But I recently hit a brick wall in my development curve and decide it was time to get skillz - couldn't afford any of the standard efforts, Lightwave, Maya, 3SM... So I thought, hey, what's this free one all about.
The buttons are a little overwhelming initially, but if you learn to ignore the ones you don't use, it's actually remarkably easy to get to grips with. I'd recommend it to anyone on a low/no budget.