Qaanol, on Oct 13 2005, 06:20 PM, said:
So that means projectile weapons would have to be very massive and dense, and perhaps sharp, to be of any use whatsoever?View Post
Quite right- think lots of depleated uranium fired at extremely close range, though I am inclined personally to think more along the lines of missiles.
Qaanol, on Oct 13 2005, 06:20 PM, said:
Will ships have "weak spots" that a close-range projectile could conceivably hit with slightly improved damage potential? Exhaust exit ports, maybe?View Post
That's what fighters are for. The constant manouvering of capital ships to produce the smallest and most armored crosssection to each other versus capital ship classed ranged weaponry would make them almost required in my opinion. The easiest way to deliver signifigently damaging ordinance to anything other than the presented face of the enemy cap.ship is probably a smaller craft that is fast and manouverable enough to be able to disregard the presented face. Destroyer-type ships will be the most damaging capital ship, but also the mostlikely to be shot up and destroyed.
Qaanol, on Oct 13 2005, 06:20 PM, said:
It's not unexplored, I don't think. Lestways, dogfights certainly take place in the open air, and many sci-fi books, such as Ender's Game, have some very good ideas.View Post
Dogfighting will be much the same, but I am mostly refering to large ship combat.
Qaanol, on Oct 13 2005, 06:20 PM, said:
What, at heart, is different in this case from naval warfare? Prisoners can certainly be taken there. Yes, escape pods are faster than life boats, but presumably spaceships are faster than ships. And besides, if the purpose of an escape pod is to allow one to be rescued...View Post
Escape boats for oceanic ships pretty much stay where the ship sank. Escape ships from spacecraft will have to be launched to prevent thier destruction by an exploding ship, concievably forever moving untill they come across the gravity to capture them. Therefore escape ships will probably have limited manouvering capacity.
Qaanol, on Oct 13 2005, 06:20 PM, said:
Magnetosphere: a large, rotating electromagnet. Whips ferous objects out of the way.
Or a jet of plasma (or other high-speed gaseous particles, or perhaps liquid with a high enough surface tension, like very small water droplets, or even a hail of solids like sand) at an angle so a projectile will be "blown" off-course and miss the target. Could also be used in conjunction with the magnetosphere to blast iron filings en masse perpendicularly to an incoming shot..View Post
How is a large, rapidly spinning magnet not going to wreak havoc on onboard systems? Magnetic fields powerful enough to deflect high-speed ferrous particles (read:bullets) will probably rip a ship apart. Hails of solids will present great difficuty when it is time to leave the area thus shielded.
As usual, only my opinions.