I know I'm probably going to get a right bollocking for not figuring this out myself... but how do I assign taget picture to ships. Right now when I select a Lightning the target display for a Shuttle shows up.
I just read the EVN bible and it has a little bit on the end of the shďp part of the bible but I'm really not following...
Oh, and I am using ResEdit. :unsure:
Target Pictures
5 11 388
What it's saying at the end is that if you have two (or more) ships with identical shans and one has a target picture, the other(s) will automatically be given the same target picture (this way you don't waste space on unnecessary graphics). So if you have "Shuttle" ID 128 and "Shuttle v.2" ID 129 with different stats but the same graphic, with the same shan for both, and a target picture for "Shuttle", "Shuttle v.2" will automatically be given the same target picture. Make sense?
(Note: this may only work for ships with higher IDs than the ships with the target graphics; I'm not sure.)