Originally posted by Zacha Pedro:
**Awfully sorry, I intended to react a few hours ago (just after my reaction to the topic about mission making), but Internet in our school suddenly stopped working.
I'm stuck on a PC right now, so I can't say anything yet about the operation of this stuff, but I read the readmes and such, and I have this to say:
-first, you should clearly tell, before people download it, that it is only for Mac, only on a Mac can a .bin plug be created.
-second, tell in your readme that all files that are edited by plug editors should be binned, and only those ones, as a consequence not the intro music if there's one nor movies. I think I've heard that PC Nova needs the mp3 extension for its intro music, but will that prevent MacNova from playing it? I didn't try, but if that does not prevent MacNova from running it, you should also tell to add the .mp3 extension to make one less thing to do for the PC guy.
-third, warn people never to try and zip a plug directly.
I took care of all of those, except the .mp3 extension. I'm still not positive if this is an issue or not. I can always, of course, add it in later. The files are the same, but I modified the readme: It is now in Rich Text format, has a bit of formatting, and a more logical layout. I also clarified some parts that were lacking, and added in the legalese that nobody reads. 
If you look over it, and find it to your satisfaction, feel free to distribute it as you see fit (so long as it is within the guidelines set forth in the aforementioned fair use agreement, located in the readme of the package ;)). Basically, keep the docs with their apps.
~ SpacePirate
(edit: Duh, forgot link. Same as above, (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/infernostudios/downloads/binandzip.zip")http://www.evula.org...s/binandzip.zip(/url) .)
Fear the SpacePirate,
He made a (url="http://"http://www.evula.org/infernostudios/search.html")plug-in search page(/url)...
And he'll board your ship! -mrxak
(This message has been edited by SpacePirate (edited 06-09-2004).)