Ok, thanks to some analyzing of cron behavior done in another thread, I REALLY have the "check for fighters and clear empty bays" working this time. I though it was working, but it really wasn't 
The final result it a little simpler than the previous post laid out, (less NCBs and only one 1 extra placeholder outfit.)
So, here is Fighter Loadouts v3. Aside from some minor bugs that are likely to be in there, it's probably inevatible, I think everything fighter bay related works. Plus, you get yet another bonus weapon.
I guess the basic question is, is this whole thing just way too complex? Maybe it depends on whether or not your plug will benefit from thins functionality, but it's mapped out here if you want to use it.
So, a brief overview for anyone just joinging this thread. This plug demonstrates:
- a way have all your different fighters fit in one large bay.
- a way to hold fighters based on fighter mass, not an aribitrary fixed bay size. And also prevents abuse by launching fighters to free up mass.
- a way to change the weapon loadouts of fighters in your bay, to perform different combat roles.
- ability to introduce prerequisets to make certian loadouts available or not. (Bay upgrades, certian weapons on hand, etc.)
This was concieved so that you would still be only able to buy certian fighters at select worlds, but you could still change the configuration of fighters already in your bay at any planet/station that has an outfitter. Maybe in the future, you'll be able to do it in flight.
There is at least one potential problem that I know of. If you gain an escort that is of a fighter type that you have, and you don't have room to dock it. You won't be able to clear out empty bays of that fighter group untill you can dock it, or get rid of it. It is easy enough to add a function to buy space for a fighter WITHOUT purchasing the fighter itself (making room for the escort) but this seemed like a restricted case not really worth the extra resources. If you think otherwise, let me know.
Also, let me know of any other problems you have. And what you think in general. And if it's something you can use, great!
This plug is for use with the basic Nova install.
Fighter Loadouts v3.2 (581 KB)
Edit: Oops, I fixed some of the descriptions. Also, I added a few other spobs to show different tech levels.
Edit: Updated for EVN 1.0.9
This post has been edited by Desprez : 12 March 2006 - 07:05 PM