Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Explain weapons, please

      One thing I've always been a bit confused about is weapons. I know there's a weap resource and a corresponding outf resource. That's simple enough.

      But when you get things like launchers and missiles, how does it work? You obviously need two outf resources, one for the launcher and one for the ammo, but how many weaps do you need, and how should they be configured?

    • 2 outfs, 1 weap. Both outfs point to the same weapon but in one the modtype is "weapon" and in the other the modtype is "ammo". In the weap resource the AmmoType field defines whether or not it uses ammo. See ZPs weap guide if the AmmoType field confuses you.

    • I see.

      And what reason would their be for the player to be unable to purchase ammunition, if none of the obvious stuff prevents it? 'Cause that's what is happening, and I don't know why.

      I'm not doing anything with contribute/require. The ammo outfit isn't set as a fixed gun or turret. And it references the same weap as a launcher outfit.

      But I "Can't have any of this item!". Why?

    • Make sure the max ammo isn't set at zero somewhere. I think both the weapon and the outfit have max value quantities, but I don't remember how they both interact (if they even do, I've never really needed to fool around with ammo'd weapons).

      Edited because I read too quickly the first time.

      This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 22 September 2005 - 05:10 AM

    • EVN will check both. If you have reached either limit, you cannot buy any more. Also, the MaxAmmo field is multiplied by the number of weapons referencing tha weap you have. If you set the MaxAmmo field to 0 or -1, it will use the outf's Max field. I think 0 or -1 in the Max field = infinite, but don't quote me on it.