Arturo, on Sep 1 2005, 02:24 AM, said:
However, two things occurred in each case that I would consider anomalous. First, if I returned to the ShipSyst after having boarded the disabled SpecialShip, but before going to the final ReturnStel, I would find that the SpecialShip was again available for boarding. And when boarded after any number of subsequent returns to the ShipSyst, I could load the "survivors" each time, although my ship's cargo tonnage would still only indicate 1 ton of survivors.
I've never tried going back to the Don'U'Cusyon system in the Pirate storyline after I've once boarded "Ryan's Last Chance" to see if I could board it again, but that should be possible based on this little experiment.
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I have an idea. This is entirely theoretical, based solely upon the information in that untrustworthy apocrypha known as the EV: Nova Bible, but it just might work, although crudely. It involves making a special shďp for each type of ship that could ever be the target of your rescue mission.
Make the ship identical to the ship you want rescued. For instance, if you're rescuing a shuttle, make a duplicate Shuttle resource. Change only one thing: add a single bit to the AppearOn field of the shďp. I'll call that bit b666 just for now.
Make a düde containing only the new ship. Make your rescue mission point to that düde. In the OnAccept field of the mission add "b666". Add "!b666" to the OnShipDone field. Now (hopefully) the ship you're supposed to board will exist from when you accept the mission right up until you board it, at which time b666 will be cleared. When you leave the system and come back the ship will be unable to appear because its AppearOn field evaluates to false.
This, of course, is assuming that mďsns don't simply override ship bit requirements. Only testing can show whether I'm right or wrong. I'm probably wrong though.