Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Some help using EVNEW plz

      Editing a planet

      I was trying to edit the pirate planet Harbor on the Scheall system to stop it from firing at me, cuz I find it so annoying, but I haven't had any luck. The planet shoots this white thing that kinda paralyzes you and it sucks. The third time I edited it, I was pretty damn sure it would work, but it still didn't.

      Does anyone have any experience with this?

    • No experience with EVNew, but I can tell you what you're looking for. The spob resource has a MinStaus setting in it. Change the value of Harbor's MinStatus to -32767. This will keep the planet from firing at you, and you can always land (you will never be denied, or have to bribe)

    • I tried that, I edited the spob Harbor in the Nova Data 2.rez but it didn't work...

    • There's a slot in EVNEW when I open the spobs, specifically Harbor that says Minimum Status. It used to be set to 2 and I set it to what you said, which is -32767, but it didnt seem to affect it in any way. Any other ideas?

    • This should really be in the Developer's Corner.

      I'll just move it over there.

    • Minstatus doesnt matter because pirates are xenophobic. Find the field that declares what kind of weapon it has and change that to -1, or change the govt to independant. Or make a free outfit that drastically increases your ion tolerance. Pirates always attack you because they are pirates, and you, by virtue of flying a not pirate ship, are a target.