The Kemet: Final Legacy team is in the long stretch here towards the end. The plot is mapped out, outfs planned and being implemented, ships are probably 50% (100% placeholder) and the galaxy is built (though not all of the planets are in yet). Things will get done. But a little help would be nice...
So we're looking for a coder/resourcer who is comfortable working with ResEdit and NovaTools (yes, I am giving weight to this over the other editors) to help finish filling in the dude, flet, syst and spob resources (and whatever other little coding tasks that need to get done). You'll have the advantage of working with an integrated team with a clear direction in mind, a timetable in which to be finished and good documentation of what bits do what and when (in addition to other things).
I am also looking for an additional writer specifically to write landing descs. You'll need to, in advance of actually writing anything, read all of the descs that have currently be written and about 50+k of additional material having to do with the setting and plot, and what you write must be consistent with what is already in-game. There will be a fair amount of artistic freedom- as in if you want to 'create' something, such as a 'company' or a group that inhabits a certain planet, you will have that right, as long as it is consistent and not a 'game buster'.
As always we're looking for shipwrights - you must use Mechanisto fluently and not require outside assistance, and must be able to work from previously written descriptions- but this is probably wishful thinking.
If you're interested in filling any of these positions- please PM me either here or in our forums (listed in my signature) about what you can do. Please do not reply if you are a member of another dev team already! This is for our sake as well as theirs.
Moderators, I did this because the Unemployment thread is full of people who claim that they're unavailable. Please close this topic if you so desire.
This post has been edited by rmx256 : 08 June 2005 - 09:18 PM