Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Gunnery positions

      Lost and confused - what else is new..

      Brand new day, brand new problems. >.<

      I'm trying to get a new variant of a ship to have guns/beams/turrets/etc to exit from certain points, much like the Thunderhead does with its twin lances. However, every time I try to set up 4 separate firing locations, I open the shan and they're all set for the first location in all four slots. Confused, I opened up the Thunderhead data file and took a look at the beam positions and gasp! they're all the same as well! :huh: So now I'm utterly baffled. I've done a search for gun positions here in EVDC but all the results I got were relating to spob positions or someone's position on a certain topic. Nothing regarding firing positions even with using the AND (+) operator. So what's the deal? How does the Thunderhead fire its beams from two locations, while my ship-in-the-works will only fire from the first location for all four shots?

    • What editor are using? I don't quite understand the problem. There are 16 exit points, 4 each for gun/turret/beam/guided and each with 3 fields for x, y and z pos. A weapon will cycle through each of the four exit points for the exit type it is set to use.

    • Oh, sorry. I'm running EVNEW with WinNova 1.0.6

      The problem though, when I open EVNEW and look at the shan resource, it sets all four of the x,y locations to the same thing, which it appears, is the first entry I put in there.

      If I say I want gun firing points from (-10,10),(-5,10),(5,10) and (10,10), once I save it and reopen the shan resource, all of those entries will be set to (-10,10) for all four spots. Meaning that the only place my ship is going to fire from is (-10,10).

      So how is it that the Thunderhead for example, can fire from two different spots with those lances when I can see clearly in its shan resource that all the x and y positions are the same for all four locations it's supposed to be firing from?

      Just as an added reference, upon looking at the Thunderhead's firing points for beam weapons, all four entries are listed as (7,9) for the x & y

      This post has been edited by Cade : 14 May 2005 - 06:36 AM

    • Cade, on May 14 2005, 05:28 AM, said:

      upon looking at the Thunderhead's firing points for beam weapons, all four entries are listed as (7,9) for the x & y
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      Hmm, when I open up Nova Ships 1 and look at shan 157 (Thunderhead), it lists the beam exit points as 7,9; -7,9; 7,9; -7,9.

      Are you sure you didn't just miss the negative values?

      I also just tried modifying the values for my shan, saving, exiting, then reopening the plug-in, and the values all stayed to what I put them as. If you really can't modify your values, perhaps you need to re-install EVNEW.

    • And saving as text until you really need to export to rez is generally a good idea.

    • Bingo. You were right on the last part GutlessWonder. All I needed was to re-install.. NOW I see the - values for the thunderhead's launch points. Heh.. Let's see if it'll actually work with my custom ship now.