It's "lieu", but I have no idea how it's used in English In French, one says "Au lieu de" for instead, and I suppose "In lieu of" would be the correct form then for what you wish to say
Anyway, as much as the idea is a good one, I would not like to have a "Developer's Day" for a few reasons.
First of all, for the simple reason that I disagree with the need for such outward, temporary appreciation. Mothers' Day, Fathers' Day, International Women's Day, Valentine's Day, , I find them all pointless, for in truth you should not think of such matters one day of the year but all year round. In reality, many do not even think of such matters until the day in question, where they are all nice and thoughtful, but forget about it the next day (thinks about examples to do with each day mentioned above). How much hypocrisy can you reach?
And anyway, there isn't even an International Men's Day to compare with the feminine one, yet we preach equality?
(won't say any more on the subject because I know that in reality, many people would be lost without those days society would forget, sadly enough.
and on a side-note, this criticism only applies to such events that are completely artificial. dates like the Saints Days, Christmas Eve and Day, Easter, Good Friday, periods like Ramadan and Lent, , all those I feel serve a true purpose. But "international day of this or that" is proposterous in my opinion)
Secondly, if I were an EVN Dev, I wouldn't like to be thanked just the once, even less thanked by force It's always better when appreciation comes spontaneously.
To illustrate, look at the topics there were on the EVN board a month ago and a few months back. Those were topics of appreciation. They were spontaneous. And it holds much more warmth than a "Developers' Day" where suddenly everyone says "thanks".
If you set a "Developer Appreciation Day", you won't make the boards any more appreciative.
If you don't set it and let the community just live on, then you'll see more "thanks" topics than comments on any "D.A.D." (cool acronym
Of course, this mostly concerns the ATMOS and mburch part.
When it comes to plug-in developers, I can assure you (from experience) that it is very rewarding to receive e-mails from other people congratulating you on your plug, thanking you for the effort you poured into it, and comments on the forums saying "you should try this plug".
Spontaneous thanking is better than any kind of thanks.
Yours truly,
Pace, a fellow developer