what is the point in announcing them?
Hello everyone,
I've been reading about a lot of TC/plug-ins others have been working on and it got me thinking about a larger question. What is the best way to bring a new plugin to our group, and what information should be brought? I suppose my intention is to help developers bring something more than, "I'm working on a new plug in, it will be the greatest ever. I just need a few people to help get me started!" I think it would be beneficial to all if we had a loose idea, if not a concensus, on what is most helpful, and what bare bones information should be brought if you're going to bother telling everyone you're working on a TC/plugin.
So, here's my input. I think its important to be very clear and concise about what you're trying to do. Tell us what the purpose of your plugin is, and define what you want to accomplish with it. Here is an example that I think would work fine.
"I am making a new plugin. This plugin will introduce a new government, including ships, outfits, and planets to go with it. The government will integrate seamlessly with the rest of EVN, and have appropriate storylines and missions to go along with this new government. The new government will be integrated into the other EVN storylines, and their technology and such integrated seamlessly into the rest of the game. For example, there will be Federation Cruisers with 'new government outfits detected.' Although the new government will be powerful, on par with the Polaris, it will be balanced."
In my opinion, this accurately describes what is trying to be accomplished and it clearly defines what changes are going to be made.
In addition, if it is your goal to solicit help, I think it is important to explain clearly what you are willing to do, and more importantly, what you need help on. I've seen this done very well by some, and not so well with others. But people in this community are a lot more likely to respond to "I need someone to create 35 new landing pictures based on provided landing descriptions," than, "I need a graphics guy," or "anyone that would like to help is welcome."
Finally, to help get the community properly interested, I think it would be helpful to give an idea of what you've completed, what you intend to still complete, and a time frame, with periodic updates, as to when you think you'll finally be done. Again, specificity is key. For example, the following would be ideal.
"I've worked out all the new ships an outfits for my new government, including description files. I still need to render the ships, make still images of the ships including targeting, purchase images, and the large background sized pictures. I also need to make images for the new outfits. I have a loose storyline mapped out, but a concrete version needs to be worked. The missions for the new government need to be made. I also need to add bits and pieces of the new government into the existing EVN so that it all fits seamlessly together.
I expect A to take B days, and X to take Y days. That puts me at about 11% complete, with an expected completion date of April 1st, 200-never."
This is just my opinion, but I think it might be helpful to both the plugin creator, and the rest of us, if we have a better idea of what you want, HOW you're doing it, and what specifically you need help with. What does everyone else think?