Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Ship won't appear

      I've made a plug that adds a Warship variant Leaviathan to the game. I simply want it (for now) to appear in the shipyard so the player can buy it. I wanted it to appear only after the first sigma mission is completed. So I copied the availability bits and such from the buyable Leviathan and hoped it would appear. It hasn't. What should I put in the fields so it will appear in Earth's shipyard after the first sigma mission is complete?

    • Check the tech level, availablility %, and any other buying options you can, and make sure it is right out in the open. That or just copy the normal Leviathan, edit ONLY the stats to make it a warship, and nothing else.

    • Well, I have a few suggestions:

      1. As Fnoigy said, are you absolutely certain that the Buy Probability is not 0 (preferably set to 100 for testing)? Also, is the TechLevel right?
      2. Has the pilot in question finished the first Sigma mission, and not failed any of the later ones?
      3. If you copied the Require bits, does your pilot have a Capital Ships License?
    • Make sure it also either has a different dispweight or that unchecked flag regarding hiding (or being hidden by) other similarly available ships with matching dispweights.

    • I copied it exactly and simply modified things like shields, outfits, ect. I know the pilot can get it since he has Exotic license and has hypergate access...not to mention able to buy a normal Leviathan. Heres the bits and everything I copied. I can't read bits so I have no clue what they mean.

      Availability: (b33 & P30) & !(b424 | b46)

      On Purchase: b8888

      On Captures: b8888

      Display Weight: 180

      I'm changing the display weight to 181 and unchecking the "hide same display weight ships" flag. Lets see if that works.

      Edit: Nope, didn't work. I checked all the weights for civilian ships and noticed the Pegasus also has a display weight of 181. I changed it to 50 and still no go. I'm having no luck...

      This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 14 March 2005 - 11:31 PM

    • My next suggestion would be to clear everything from the Availability field and the Require fields (I'm not sure how the require fields are implemented in EVNEW- they might be checkboxes).
      It shouldn't be either of those, if you just copied the Leviathan, but you can't be sure...

      About the DispWeight, 180 is clear (at least in 1.0.8, and I don't think they changed any of that stuff since 1.0.6). Anyway, 179 should be fine, as should 182-188 (and 25, if you want something completely different).

      And another question: You didn't put it's Resource ID above the Escape Pod, did you?
      Ships above that will be ignored by the game, but it seems like it would be a common problem.

      Finally, a simple explaination of the availability string in this case:
      A ship is available only when its entire Availability string is TRUE.
      In this case:
      "Bit 33 must be set (b33) AND you must either have registered or had the game less than 30 days"
      AND the following must NOT be true (due to the "1" just before the parentheses):
      "Bit 424 must be set OR bit 46 must be set."

      Quick breakdown of the conditions under which the Availability bits are true:
      b33: Have completed Sigma 1, and have access to Sigma technology.
      P30: Either have registered, or have had the game for less than 30 days.
      b424: Have become enslaved in the Vell-os string, and can no longer buy most outfits/ships.
      b46: Have failed either the third or fourth Sigma mission, and Sigma ships are no longer available.


      This post has been edited by Edwards : 14 March 2005 - 11:51 PM

    • I bet it's the escape pod's fault. I'll find an ID below it that is open and clear the things you said to clear.

      And just as a useless fact that may come in handy if you ever get on a trivia gameshow, EVNew's require and contribute fields look like this:

      Require: 0000004000000000 (Insert a button labled Edit here)

      Edit: Bittersweet victory. It shows up in the shipyard. However, it has no pic, no desc, and the game crashes when I buy it and try to take off the planet. This is becoming alot harder than I originally anticipated...

      This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 16 March 2005 - 09:42 PM

    • Simple: you also need to copy the Leviathan shän and give the copy the same ID as the one of your "Leviathan Warship" shďp resource. That should solve all of the above.

      This post has been edited by Zacha Pedro : 17 March 2005 - 08:37 AM

    • Yes! It works! I flew it around it it's exactly as I envisioned.

      But theres still some bugs with it. No ship info pic and desc. Do I just do the above with those so the it will have a desc and ship info pic?

      Also, when I edit the ship, there is a field for intergrating it dudes. What would I need to put in to get it to appear in Sigma dudes?

    • For the Ship picture and dësc, you're right. Just copy them (although you may want to edit the dësc, to show that the thing is an armed version). Remember to give the copied resources the correct ID:
      For the Purchase dësc, the ID is 13000 + Idx (the index is RID - 128).
      For the Hiring dësc, the ID is 14000 + Idx.
      For the Shipyard Picture, the ID is 5000 + Idx.
      For the information Picture (when you click on "Info" in the shipyard), the ID is 20000 + RID ( not index- weird).
      Fortunately, the scan picture (for when you select the ship when flying around) is handled automatically.

      For the düde integration:
      The shďp AppearOn field is a control bit test string that allows the ship to appear flying around in the game. This is what keeps the Thunderforge, for instance, from appearing until it has been invented (even though it is always included in the House Heraan warships düde (not the düde's real name, but it doesn't matter)).

      Tha actual integration into a düde is done by adding the ship's ID to one of the ShipType fields in the appropriate düde resource (in this case number 211- Sigma Shipyards). The particular ship will not appear in any system until its AppearOn field evaulates to TRUE.

      I hope that wasn't too confusing.

      This post has been edited by Edwards : 17 March 2005 - 03:20 PM

    • Tell that to me a few monthes ago and I would hang my mouth open for a few seconds and then ask for you to speak english. A bit more work than I thought, but the sooner I get it done the better. Thanks for the help.