Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Spöb doesn't play sounds

      Well… they're just not playing

      Recently I upgraded to EVN 1.0.8 and I noticed that when I land on spöbs, the sounds I gave them no longer play. I checked everything and if I'm not completely blind, I used the right RIDs on the right places. But it still doesn't work.
      Any ideas why it does this – or better, doesn't do this?

    • Well... I always had trouble with sounds because they weren't 11 khz but were 22 khz or something. Of course, I see no reason why your sounds should suddenly change khz, but, is it possible that Nova's volume set to nothing?

    • No, the volume is at max.
      The sounds are still the same. The old version of Nova played it without problems.
      And the spöb sounds are the only sounds that do not play.

    • Now that's odd - only your spöb sounds or all spöb sounds do not play in 1.0.8?

    • In fact, only one of my spöb sounds. I have three – SND RID 10000 doesn't play, RID 10001 I can't test because the spöb does only show up during a mission and RID 10002 works.
      Could it be that this is because RID 10000 is in a different file than the rest of the sounds?
      I had to do this because otherwise the file would have become too large for ResEdit to handle.

    • Depends. Is the "other" file in the Nova Files folder or the plug-ins folder? I seem to remember that Nova will only load the files named with the default names (i.e. of the usual data files) from the Nova Files folder. Try swapping the sounds in the files, that is move the sound ID 10002 to the other file and 10000 to the main files, and gather the results.

    • They're all plugins, thus they're obviously in the plugins folder. But I'll try swapping.

      Hm, I put the 10002 into a different file and it works. I still can't move 10000 into the Sound plugin, as it still iss too large.

      This post has been edited by Arion : 02 February 2005 - 07:57 AM

    • Rember they are loaded alphabetically, first everything in the nova data folder (not just default named ones) and then everything in the plugin folder. Is there some way perhaps the sounds are being overlapped by something being loaded after them and replacing them? Or that the spob is being overlapped by another copy that doesnt play the sound?

    • Hm plugins replace the data files, thus it's no problem from there.
      What is more the sound RID 10000 is only there once.
      And I tried playing it on another planet but without any success.
      I also tried giving the sound a different RID but still it didn't work.
      Not that I really mind, the spöb is just there for testing – it's a place where I can buy all technology. But still, it annoys me because it may happen with some other sound, too.

    • Okay, apparently this is a Nova 1.0.8 problem.
      I just tried to place a new weapon sound and whatever I do, the weapon doesn't play the sound, either.
      Thus I assume that it is impossible to add a new sound with 1.0.8.
      After all, this is the only difference from the sounds, the ones that work were included while I used 1.0.0, the not working ones were included while I used 1.0.8
      I can't explain why it happens, but it is the only reason I can find.

    • It could be that Nova doesn't like your sound format or khz. It has to be System 7 sound and be at 11khz.

      Of course, that theory seems completely debunked anyways since you seemed to imply that they were working before 1.0.8... but weapons sounds are addable, or else my EVN:C wouldn't be playing stuff.