Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • visibly rotating turrets

      Would you like Visibly Rotating Turrets?

      Poll: Who would like Visibly Rotating Turrets in an engine update? (9 member(s) have cast votes)
      Who would like Visibly Rotating Turrets in an engine update?
      1 Brilliant Idea!
      (0 votes [0.00%])
      Percentage of vote: 0.00%
      2 That should have been in the engine from the beginning.
      (5 votes [55.56%])
      Percentage of vote: 55.56%
      3 OOOOhhhhh! I'd like mine with bunny ears!!!
      (4 votes [44.44%])
      Percentage of vote: 44.44%
      4 Turrets are for WUSSES! GUNS 4EVR!!!!
      (0 votes [0.00%])
      Percentage of vote: 0.00%

      I would like to make a game with battleships that have BIG Turrets that actually track targets and have visible recoil when they fire.

    • This poll is pointless. You cant do it and it wont be added to the engine. As far as Matt is concerned the engine is done, dusted and wont be changed except for bug fixes (the majority of which are scenario based and as such are handled by ATMOS).

    • (post supressed)

    • Newsflash: It Is Possible

      For the purposes of the following document, I am going to assume that all ships are targetable by point-defence.

      Have the main animation of the ship flip over a panel on the back of the ship with the turret image pointing forward mounted on it. Turn on 'Unfold to fire' for the ship.

      Create a PD weapon that expires after 1 and launches from the position of the panel. No reload. It will have just the graphic of the turret.

      Create a weapon you want to come out of the turret also coming out of that launch point.


    • That's a really good idea...having two weapons located at the same spot...only thing is the turret would only be facing the right direction if you held down the fire button, but I guess that'd be a small price to pay for a cool effect.

      Has this been tested?

    • Yes, this been discussed in the other topic (same name, non-poll). It requires a little more than just that though.

      This post has been edited by Guy : 20 January 2005 - 06:24 PM