Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • evn plug help

      i need help with evn plugs

      Hi, i know absolutly nothing about computer programing or program writting and i really want to write evn plugins so i was wondering if anyone could give me some help like links for programing for beginners or how to write plugins for evnova for beginners. please help!

    • JMLogue, on Dec 17 2004, 03:34 PM, said:

      Hi, i know absolutly nothing about computer programing or program writting and i really want to write evn plugins so i was wondering if anyone could give me some help like links for programing for beginners or how to write plugins for evnova for beginners. please help!
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      Welll.... lessseee...

      An easy way to go might be EVedit - I don't know if they ever ported it for Nova, so it may not matter.

      The nice thing about Nova is this: You don't need to know how to "program" to make plugins. You can make plugs that just modify things which are already there, or you can add your own art in and see how it comes out.

      In any case, if you have a mac get Res-Edit and nova-Tools - nova tools is a template that makes Res Edit interface with what would otherwise just be Hex. Then it's just a matter of looking at what other developers did with their own simple plugs, extrapolating from that and experimenting on your own. I'm certain someone here can also give you some links, I just can't seem to dig any up right now.

      Good luck!

    • If you have a PC, get EVNEW.

      In either case, though, make a copy of the data files and open them up in your plugin editor of choice to see how they did. It's also good to have a glance through the Nova Bible as well (you'll find that in the Documentation folder within your Nova folder).

    • Check the Important Links topic pinned to the top of this board. You'll find practically everything you need.

    • Introduction NovaTools and Mission Computer tutorials can be found here, and should get you started on plug-in making. Zacha Pedro has more tutorials then this one that are quite useful, so if you need some more just do a forum search.

      Another neccessity is the EV:Nova bible, which you should always have open for reference. And don't worry about making atonishing plug-ins at first, because no one ever has done that. I mean, my first plug-in was one that made Hawks (an EV ship) purchasable and have 9999 tons of free space and 8 gun/turret slots. That was fun.

    • A useful learning tool is other people's plug-ins and the Nova game files. Try copying and modifying other's plug-ins to seer what happens. Also, if you don't know how to do something, imitate what works. If you use the game files, lock them first, it will save much redownloading time.
      I used to use EVONE, but then my license ran out and I foud that my plug-ins were often corrupted. MissionComputer is easiest to use at first, but once you get used to plug-ins switch to Res-Edit/NovaTools, it is more powerful.
      When all else fails, come here and ask questions. But try to be clear and specific. And do a quick search for recent postings of the same question.

    • Don't use EVONE on a computer with a system higher than 10.2.x.
      It keeps crashing on 10.3 and such a crash screws up the whole program (file and edit menues are twice and none work) so you have to reinstall it. And you can forget the changes to the plug as well cuz no saving.