This is for my TC so hopefuly on topic..
For reasons that I cannot go into now I need a planet that neither LunarCell nor my limited abilities can provide. It needs ice (lots of ice), forests and tundra, and some oceans. Being as I am under 15 inches of snow, I've spent all morning on this and so far have produced about sixteen big balls of snow that are obviously flawed.
The kicker is that it needs to be Earth and recognisable as Earth, just tilted via an earth-crust displacement with Antarctica on the equator. Please keep in mind that Antarctica, under it's ice cap, is not one big island like Autrailia- it is two large land masses with several smaller islands around it. Evidence of massive explosions in India, North America and Britain are also helpful.
I have had a great ammount of difficulty reducing the sea level. Increacing it has been easy but the adverse is very very difficult.
If anyone here has any time, or could point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. I've already tried http://www.opticalar...xd/alyn/planet/ and I've gotten nowhere in my attempt- mostly due to the fact of my limited graphics abilities.
Thank you,
This post has been edited by rmx256 : 23 December 2004 - 03:39 PM