....except, it doesn't quite work.
i have a very small addition to make, PC version.
frankly, i never play EVN without the Ship Variants plugin. its practically a reflex. so when i finally got into MAKING plugs instead of just using them, i couldn't help but notice that there wasn't a fighter bay for the nil'k manta. "alright", i said, "maybe he (the fine fellow who made the Ship Variants plug) wasn't thinking about it." so i went looking in the weap list in "Nova Data 4.rez".
but i didn't find a matching weap and outf resource to match with. "ok", i said. "so why not make one myself? i've made outfits and weapons before... why not make one for this Nil'k manta bay idea?"
and so i did. and it worked. sort of. :blink:
key words: "sort of". while i can place the weap id in a ship resource and then go buy the ship and have a Nil'k manta bay and fighters all ready to go, i simply cannot get the weapon and ammo outf resources to match with the weap. nothing i've tried has made the nil'k manta bay (or the nil'k mantas themselves) available for purchase, at ANY shipyard.
what's wrong here? what am i doing wrong, or not doing? the rez file's attached (zipped as Belthazar so kindly suggested).
Attached File(s)
- Nil__k_Manta_bays.zip (43.8K)
Number of downloads: 16
This post has been edited by Trooper1023 : 30 November 2004 - 01:06 AM