Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • ResEdit for OS X?

      Will any hex editor work?

      After making the switch from OS 9 to 10.3, I miss ResEdit. I'm trying to keep classic off of my drive, as I don't want to install another OS just for ResEdit. I'm currently using Mission Comp. to do my plugs, it's a wonderfully simple tool, but I miss the shรคn and graphic control ResEdit provided. So my question is, does it have to be ResEdit? Or can I use another hex-based editor such as HexEdit? I'll continue plugging (no pun intended) away with MC, but I really like ResEdit.


      P.S. Sorry for the disjointed post, I'm between classes. :rolleyes:

    • Unless you ahve no disk space, there is really no reason not to use classic environment. Also, there may be other programs you want to use on classic. I'd say get classic, even for only resedit it's worth it.

    • If you don't want classic "contaminating" your drive then just make another partition. That's how I keep it.
      You could try another resource fork editor, but unless you can make templates for it then editing Nova plugs will be near impossible.

    • So using hex edit is out, damn. Oh well, I'll just go partition my drive and install classic some time this week. Or next week. Or next month. Or whenever the heck I get around to it. Thanks everybody. And on an un-related note, if I've already accepted a non-abortable mission, can I plug it and then abort the mission? I've tried in the past, and I don't remember if I was successful or not? If you're interested, I was playing through the Polaris story line, it's been a while, and I forgot which wraith mission unlocked the "good" tech. Lo and behold, I got the "get corpse" mission. Dang. Stupidly forgot to back up pilot prior to this mission. So now bit 278 (or is it 279? ah well, y'know what I mean, it's not b316 <_< ) is set, and I can't clear it b/c I'm in the middle of the mission, and I can't abort the mission. /start vent ARGH! :mad: It's so freakin' frustrating how stupid I am sometimes. /end vent. Sorry.


      Edit: Axxx does it. Back to the frustrating stupidity thing. Sorry for wasting your time.

      This post has been edited by PigDog4 : 24 November 2004 - 11:11 PM

    • Hexedit will definitely not work. Resedit is not a hex based editor per se, but a resource fork editor. And yes, Resedit is the only one available with nova resource templates. I'd just go ahead and install classic. That's all I ever use mine for.

    • Ok, I'll do that. I wish there was a way to partition the disk without wiping it. It's ok. I'll live. Thanks guys.

    • ^I believe there actually is software to do that, but its not free.

    • I wouldn't even partition, it only takes like 10 minutes to install os 9, with OS X, I have done it a few times.

    • I dunno how you do it... but my PowerBook came with an OS 9 Install package on one of the install DVD's. It would suck to have to install OS 9 drivers on the HD when you're never going to boot it. I would find one of those package based Classic installers, stick everything Classic in a folder called Classic put it in Users -> Shared. Then ignore the fact that it exists. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I got my Powerbook a little over a year ago, so anything before or since, may be different, especially with the release of Panther, but on my OS dvd, there is the OS X installer that can be started from the desktop via the dvd icon, or by holding C as the computer boots with the dvd in. The os 9 and all it's bundled applications are accessible by going through the icon, to the os 9 installer. It adds the ability to go into classic mode from OS X when it is done installing. Plus, for those who prefer OS 9 (some people do...), you can set it as your startup disk and operate your computer in 9. Of course, you can always switch back to X.

    • Quote

      Plus, for those who prefer OS 9 (some people do...), you can set it as your startup disk and operate your computer in 9. Of course, you can always switch back to X.

      It is no longer possible to boot into Mac OS 9 on modern Macintoshes. Anything from the 1.25Ghz Daul G4 and up are X only machines. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (I think it's great)

    • I love how my computer is a year old and already very outdated. In fact, about 2 or 3 months after I bought it Apple came out with 10.3, and a little later the new version of the 15 inch powerbook, with both firewire ports, and airport extreme ready. I had to pay 120 bucks earlier this semester to get an old airport card, since the new ones don't work on the year old computer, and Apple stopped making the old ones.

      This post has been edited by erikthered : 03 December 2004 - 04:32 PM

    • That's why I'm hoping that the computer business actually DOESN'T figure out how to break the processing barrier and develope quantum computers. Then buying your computer could be more of an issue about reliability instead of how obsolete it is. It would be more like buying cars...

      Anyways, whenever I get a new computer, I'm borrowing some OS 9 cds and installing it. I would absolutely hate to lose ResEdit... and it works in Classic mode just fine for me.

    • There is a shareware app called ResFool which edits resource forks, and works in OS X. Download it at:

      I haven't tried it with EV Nova files, but presumably it would work like ResEdit, if you have the templates in the resource fork of the file, it would open the resources using the templates.

      It costs $19.95, more than ResEdit, but considerably less than Resorcerer. And the interface appears to be much more like ResEdit's than Resorcerer's is.

      This post has been edited by JohnnyAndrews : 05 December 2004 - 11:08 PM

    • ResFool looks really neat and all (templates = yay), but it still has one problem: It probably won't run NovaTools, would it?

      If course, if it did, I know that I might be shelling out $20 in the future....

    • Nah, nothing else than ResEdit can run NovaTools. Currently, I've tried a number of resource editors (I can put a list and short comments), they all allow templates which is enough to edit (the templates are a ResEdit file that all will understand in the Documentation folder inside the Nova folder), but none makes it as easy as NT/MC/EVONE/EVNEW. However, one of these resource editors will be added a plug-in architecture in the future, so editors like NovaTools can be added to it (but they have to be specifically coded).