Look, yet ANOTHER question!
What I'm trying to do, is make "Mod Kits" for the different missile systems in the shipyard, which allow the player to use a missile launcher to fire an alternative type of ammunition. For example, if you bought the "Flak Missile Mod Kit" you would be able to fire Flak Missiles without having to buy a seperate launcher (of course the Mod Kit would have to be a launcher, but using little or no mass and costing less). In order to do this however, the Mod Kits would need to evaluate wether or not the player owns the launcher, and if so how many.
This could be partialy done using the outfit Require bits, but I dont know of any way to limit the number of outfits for purchase based on how many of a particular outfit is owned. Is there any way of doing this, or am I going to have to make a bunch of different launchers just to use the different ammo?