Hey Everyone!
I was hoping that in the interests of continuing to expand EV Nova, the plug-in developers could coninue to make new ways to earn money other than trading, mining, and doing missions. I was think that maybe a business plug-in could be created, where you could buy outfits, at extrememly large costs, that aren't a part of your ship, but are actually property on a planet. For example, an outfit that buys a shipyard where you can create your own ships with the right materials. To get the right materials you could buy a mining outfit that automatically supplied the shipyards. This way you can get a large, but steady supply of cash, and have virtually all the ships and upgrades available to you for free, since you own the company. I don't know whether or not anyone would be willing to do this, I know that my skill at plug-in developing is next to nothing, but I thought this would be a cool idea and decided to throw it out. Thanks!
"You don't want to sell me deathsticks"
"I...uh..I don't want to sell you deathsticks!"
"You want to go home and rethink your life."
"I..uh..want to go home and rethink my life!"