Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How to make rocks drop from the celing.

      (i.e. Mandraki Warrior)
      Put a monster generator where you want it to fall and set info (0) to the ID of the rock. Simple.

      "States should have the right to enact reasonable laws and restrictions particularly to end the inhumane practice of ending a life that otherwise could live."
      "I think 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' is pretty universal."
      Is Dubya thinking of eliminating the death penalty, or just being hypocritical about abortion?

    • Cool!

      “If we do nothing, new technologies will give the government new automatic surveillance capabilities that Stalin could never have dreamed of. The only way to hold the line on privacy in the information age is strong cryptography.” - Phil Zimmermann
      USE PGP! | (url="http://"")