I just responded to an email on the same subject... Right now it's changing too much. For one the work required to pull it out of the plugin stage and into the TC stage has been a lot more than I thought (all kinds of stuff stopped working, and those Vell-os ships kept showing up, except that they were not represented by a sprite and when Nova noticed that it had made an error it choked and died) and I'm putting all of the missions in (instead of being flowcharts on paper, I am actually writing them in BBedit and copy/pasting in the descs) so things are just too hectic right now. I don't want to have to reupload an 8 meg file on a nightly basis through a 33.3 Aol connection.
But I did get rid of those darn Vell-os. Don't need them flying around. Only need the IDA Frigate and a Starbridge (for pers resources).
Thanks anyway, I'll be back when I have more promising news and less RL drama.
Drinking causes hangovers.
I will uphold Ma'at.
Shemsu Hor.