While it has taken me longer to get this prototype working than I would have liked, here it is. From the read me:
The What and Why: For years plug in developers have run into a serious impediment in making plugins; namely, there was a limitation on what përs resources the plugin maker could use if they did not want the player to have to create a new pilot file. If the plugin maker attempted to use a përs resource not present when the player's pilot file was first made, the përs added by the new plugin would never appear.
BitChanger allows plugin makers to provide a tool to help players activate përs resources in their already made pilot files. This allows the plugin makers to make chapters to an ongoing story without forcing the player to start a new pilot file and lose the ship and weapons they had previously worked so hard for.
It is not feature complete (won't activate spob defense fleets, allow drag-n-drop of pilot files, etc), but I am hoping for input before I proceed.
"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson