I'm making a couple super jump oüft plugs for the EV Classic Nova conversion, each having multi-jump capability, lowering the distance needed before jumping, and lowering the amout of days in a jump.
My question is: will these outfits be cumulative in those ways?
One of my two outfits has a multi-jump of 2, and another of 3. If I have both of those, will the multijump be 5, or will the 3 overwrite the 2?
Will a modval of -200 for distance before jumping overwrite or be cumulative with a modval of -300?
I'm pretty sure that lowering the number of days is cumulative, judging by the Alluvial Dampener in Nova, but will having a total of 3 days less cause a problem since that could make it -1 or -2 days? I don't think so, but I'm just checking.
I'm asking to see whether having both of these outfits will cause problems.