I have looked around, but haven't found a satisfactory answer to my question, so I'll post it here:
I am trying to write a mission wherein the player "escorts" a Starbridge from point A to point B. I would like said Starbridge to appear as an "escort" (green blip, follow player around, mimic his turns and actions, et al), but have had no luck doing so. I can get the Starbridge to appear, but it's a blue blip that pretty much just does whatever a ship of its type normally does. I have looked at the settings for other missions of this type, and have set my settings in what I thought was a similar fashion (the "special ship settings" include "follow the player", the player's goal being to "escort" the ship, and the ship set to "protect the player").
If it's of any help, I am using both Mission Computer and ResEdit with NovaTools to build the plug. Thanks in advance.
- Dao Jones