Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Battle tanks arena!!!

      I have amod idea. Instead of space, you could have tanks!

      There would only be one system, and all the tanks would control like the vel-os ships. Have all the cool tanks sounds, and maybe every different types of units. Like you can be an APC, and the fighters be soldiers. All the fighting could be done on one system.

      Also, you could have helicopters and they control like EVN ships.


    • I've actually considered doing that before. Except it was more of a mission available during a normal space flight game where you have to "enter the atmosphere" of a planet and commence a air-to-ground attack on a enemy installation. You'd just automagically transport the player to another system which works as the surface of the planet and make the background a sandish color.

      Hail Pougan! - (url="http://"")Moo?(/url)
      (url="http://"")The New Starfleet Adventures Website!(/url) | (url="http://"")tREE - "Damn Capslock!"
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pougan:
      **I've actually considered doing that before. Except it was more of a mission available during a normal space flight game where you have to "enter the atmosphere" of a planet and commence a air-to-ground attack on a enemy installation. You'd just automagically transport the player to another system which works as the surface of the planet and make the background a sandish color.


      Same as teh_poug, but I actually have done this... It isn't that great, and is more work than it is worth. Most of our collective ideas have to be done with mission operators, so it is pretty tedious.

      I've also done what you have outlined, to quite a large extent... I modified the stafield to contain rocks and little bushes, disable the parallax starfield, changed the background, and made little clouds... It was simple, but not really that great. If you could have multiple starfields, it would rule, but as there is only one, it is not feasible to make a plugin using both space and land, without sacrificing some amount of eye-candy.

      Such a plug could be fun, but it would get old after a bit.

      ~ SpacePirate

      Fear the SpacePirate,
      He made a (url="http://"")plug-in search page(/url)...
      And he'll board your ship!

    • did this aeon's ago.
      Its just not pretty. and its realy not made for it.
      A few engine tweaks and sure it could work. Yet its not going to happen. Just make space tanks.

      Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
      "You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"